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Corrosion Expert Witness and Litigation Support


WebCorr has NACE certified Corrosion Specialist with extensive experience in providing expert witness and expert testimony in litigation and arbitration cases related to corrosion, materials, metallurgy, paints & metallic coatings. We have acted in the capacity of corrosion expert, expert metallurgist, electrochemistry expert and materials expert in the high court, the subordinate court and the international arbitration center. With internationally recognized professional certification and professional registration, we provide expert witness and litigation support to your cases both locally and internationally. We have the experience in providing expert witness and expert testimony in the following capacity:

  • corrosion expert, corrosion specialist and corrosion engineer

  • electrochemistry expert and electrochemist

  • expert metallurgist, metallurgical expert and metallurgical engineer

  • materials expert and materials engineer

 Typical Services Provided to Clients:
  • Corrosion & Metallurgical Expert witness in a case related to the corrosion of stainless steel assembly

  • Corrosion & Metallurgical Expert witness in a case related to the rusting of stainless cladding in buildings

  • Corrosion & Metallurgical Expert witness in a case related to the collapse of buildings due to corrosion

  • Corrosion & Metallurgical Expert assistance in a case related to the corrosion of hot-rolled and cold-rolled steel plates

  • Corrosion Expert Witness in a case related to the corrosion of silver coatings on mirrors

  • Corrosion & Metallurgical Expert witness in a case related to the corrosion of steel pipe piles

  • Corrosion Expert Witness in a case related to the corrosion of a lamppost

  • Corrosion Expert Witness in a case related to the rusting of intermediate container boxes (ICBs)

  • Expert Witness in a case related to electroless plating processes

  • Corrosion & Metallurgical Expert witness in a case related to the corrosion of metal coils (carbon steel coils, stainless steel coils and aluminum coils)

  • Corrosion Expert Witness in a case related to pinhole leaks in copper tubes

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